Artists Wanted

Welcome to our Custom Tattoo Design Services!

At CustomLabTattoo, we take immense pride in our commitment to providing exceptional custom tattoo designs to our clients. As a growing company, we are constantly seeking talented graphic designers, tattoo artists, and individuals with a creative flair to join our esteemed artist team. We believe that collaboration is the key to creating unique and meaningful tattoos, and we are eager to expand our family of artists.

If you are a skilled professional with a passion for tattoo artistry and the ability to create captivating designs, we would love to hear from you. Whether you are an experienced tattoo artist looking to showcase your talents or a graphic designer who excels in translating ideas into striking visuals, we welcome individuals from all creative backgrounds.

At CustomLabTattoo, we pride ourselves on being open-minded and appreciative of diverse styles, techniques, and artistic visions. We believe that every artist brings a unique perspective, and by fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment, we aim to deliver truly exceptional custom tattoo designs to our clients.

We understand that finding the right platform to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients can be challenging. That's why we offer a supportive and nurturing environment for our artists, providing you with the opportunity to grow and thrive in your artistic journey. When you join our team, you become part of a passionate community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of tattoo art.

If you are interested in joining our team of talented artists, we invite you to contact us for more information and further steps. We would love to hear about your artistic background, your unique style, and see examples of your work. Together, we can create unforgettable custom tattoo designs that leave a lasting impression on our clients.

Join us on this exciting journey of artistic exploration and growth. Let your creativity shine and be part of a team that values and appreciates your unique talents. At CustomLabTattoo, we believe in the power of collaboration and the magic that happens when artists come together to create something extraordinary.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our ever-expanding artist team!

Contact us today to take the first step towards a rewarding artistic career with CustomLabTattoo.

[Contact Information: or, +1 (214) 586-0926]